First French-German Mathematical Image Analysis Conference
IMPORTANT: Registration is free but mandatory before October 31.
This is the first edition of the French-German Mathematical Image Analysis that will be held in Paris in January 2014.
The scientific program includes invited lectures at the interface between research in applied mathematics
(PDE's, Statistics, Sparsity, Variational methods, Inverse Problems, Optimization, Geometrical modeling, etc.) and
new developments in various areas of imaging sciences, computer vision and high-dimensional data processing
related to mathematical topics including Motion, Restoration, Compressed sensing, Natural image modeling, Neuro-imaging, etc..
The conference is co-organized by
and GAMM Activity Group MSIP, Germany
13, 14 and 15 January 2014

Institut Henri Poincaré (Paris, France)
Invited speakers
Richard Baraniuk (Rice, USA)Andrea Bertozzi (cancelled) (UCLA, USA)Yuri Boykov (University of Western Ontario, Canada)Kristian Bredies (University of Graz, Austria)Raymond Chan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)Daniel Cremers (Technical University of Munich, Germany)Adel Faridani (Oregon State University, USA)Mario Figueiredo (Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal)Anders Hansen (Cambridge University, UK)Russell Luke (University of Göttingen, Germany)Yi Ma (UIUC, Urbana, USA and Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, China)Deanna Needell (Claremont McKenna College, USA)Patrick Perez (Technicolor, France)Otmar Scherzer (University of Vienna, Austria)Cordelia Schmid (INRIA, France)Christoph Schnörr (University of Heidelberg, Germany)Eero Simoncelli (New York University, USA)Amit Singer (Princeton, USA)Olga Sorkine-Hornung (ETH, Switzerland)Yohann Tendero (UCLA, USA)François-Xavier Vialard (University Paris-Dauphine, France)René Vidal (Johns Hopkins, USA)Birsen Yazici (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA)Luca Zanni (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy)Xiaoqun Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
Scientific committee
Jean-Francois Aujol (IMB, University Bordeaux 1)
Antonin Chambolle (CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique)
Laurent Cohen (CEREMADE, University Paris-Dauphine)
Agnés Desolneux (CMLA, ENS de Cachan, France)
Joachim Weickert (Saarland University, Allemagne)
Organizing committee